In an effort to help keep the beach clean,theMarine Resources Task Force is pushing to ultimately limit the use of plastic bags on Fort Myers BeachFort Myers city council members unanimously agreed to move forward with a plan to ban plastic straws on the island on Aug.MORE: Fort Myers Beach to move forward with plastic straw banBill Veach, Chairman of the Marine Resources Task Force, helped lead the way in banning plastic straws.big picture is trash is not good for our beach, not good for our environment and were trying to find ways to encourage people to keep the beach cleaner, Veach said.Possible options to help limit the use of plastic bags could include penalties for having them on the beach or paying fees at the store to use them.Some states like California have already banned plastic bags all together. Those who forget to bring their own bag to the store are charged $0.10 for a recycled bag Furla Outlet Furla Outlet, an example Fort Myers Beach may soon consider.should bring paper bags. I just got back from England and over there you have to actually have to pay for bags, said Daved Gray Furla Outlet, who works on Fort Myers Beach.The task force is actively researching the legality of their options and which ones they could realistically move forward with as Florida follows Federal laws on this subject..
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